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Kids are like little sponges, soaking in the experiences around them.

Unfortunately, much of the world they are “soaking in” is centered around what they find on their phones and television. Being out in the woods gives them an experience that they won’t find in the digital world. With this comes a view of the environment. They learn to appreciate the sites and sounds of nature. They learn the importance of conservation and the importance of only harvesting what they need.

Hunting is also a sport that requires them to get off the couch and physically exert themselves, promoting a physically fit lifestyle. Being outdoors has been shown to help people relax and lower blood pressure, as well as being good for the mind and the spirit.

Kids are all about instant gratification. Hunting teaches them patience and other life skills like focus and the ability to accept disappointment.
The ethics and responsibilities required of hunters can carry over into life in general and are often not taught in schools.

“Take a kid hunting when they’re young and you won’t have to hunt for them when they’re older”


Maxx and Ted Nugent Discuss Hunting



My Hunting Adventures in Pictures